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Avante SCD

Distribution control system


Avante Smart Control of Distribution is designed for management of the sales network of companies and their partners. The system allows to keep records of stock balances and organize the equipment movement control in partner warehouses. Control is performed from the moment of goods receiving at the central warehouse to the shipment to the end user. The solution also allows organizing the workflow of the company's service departments, both in-house and partner.

With Avante SCD, the company can organize the assembly of equipment sets from individual components and assign a serial number to the final set, which will be used for further accounting. Keeping the serial records of the equipment installed by a subscriber allows to keep its subsequent service and warranty repair, as well as to replace individual components within the framework of the final set maintenance.

Key features

Equipment management

Working with equipment in the system begins either with the loading of a complete set or its formation from the previously loaded components. The system records all further movements of this equipment before binding it to the end user.

Balance control

Real-time control of balances in their own and partner warehouses and setting up alerting scenarios and events when threshold values are reached.

Working with partners

The system allows organizing a flexible and multi-level accounting system of sales outlets of partners and provides them with all necessary tools for planning purchases, placing, and coordinating orders of new batches, documentary support.


All types of reporting are fully supported: from bills of lading and write-off acts to complex analytical reports showing the current warehouse filling and forecasting the amount of necessary future purchases.


Setting up automatic control of changes in equipment balances and the ability to generate documents to control traffic (invoices, certificates)

Data analysis

Analysis according to predefined algorithms, formation of complex analytical and marketing reports and unloading of data for further processing in external systems
System architecture

Avante SCD may be a part of the Avante BSS as well as an independent product. Information can be received from various sources and then it will be processed and uploaded to the system for further work. Avante SCD provides the ability to send processed information or notifications to other IT platforms and supports all modern integration methods.

For partners, this system is a universal tool for accounting and distribution of received equipment among sub-partners, receiving and processing requests for installation or service coming from the company, registering new end users in the HQ. The partner gains these opportunities by tools in the partner's personal account.

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